Clinical registry of patients with MyeloDysplastic Syndrome

Guarantee information

Scientific board of the MyDyS registry (CZECH MDS GROUP)

 Anna Jonášová, M.D. (General University Hospital in Prague), Head of the Board
 Assoc. prof. Jaroslav Čermák, M.D. (Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague)
 Ivana Hochová, M.D. (University Hospital in Motol, Prague)
Markéta Marková, M.D. (Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague)
Libor Červinek, M.D. (University Hospital Brno)

 Czech Society of Hematology, the MDS working group 


Project support


The MDS project is supported by Celgene and Novartis.